1. You enjoy firefighting, damage control, and navigating the aftermath of the people problems left in the wake of a rogue leader.
2. Hiring proven leaders from the outside is your go-to method for securing your future, thus believing the devil you DON’T know is better than the one you DO know.
3. Your workforce engagement is ‘good enough’.
4. You’re O.K. with a culture of telling people WHAT to do, HOW to do it, and WHEN to do it.
5. You’re paying them to put a hump in their back – not think.
6. Your workforce trusts YOU despite how they’re being treated by those leading them day to day.
7. They won’t appreciate the investment your making in them.
8. You tried it once – with the local technical college – it didn’t stick.
9. They’ve got the easiest job on site.
10. It costs too much time and money. There’s not enough and THEY can’t help you get out of that spiral.
I get it. Taking front-line leaders off the job to sit in a classroom and be lectured on academic “leadership principles” is tough to swallow and a waste of time and money. With no practical application back on the job, nor accountability to get results, I don’t blame you but it doesn’t have to be this way.
If some of these reasons are yours – I can’t help you (hint: #1, #5 & #9) – just being honest. As for the others, message me or let’s hop on a quick call.
dave@palmettoleadershipcenter.com | (864) 902-4400 | www.PalmettoLeadershipCenter.com
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