Welcome to part two with John Raymer, a long-time manufacturing leader who now helps others revitalize themselves and their careers. Last time, John introduced his idea about the four fundamental characteristics of great leaders and focused on the importance of humility. In this episode, he talks about the other key characteristics—integrity, empathy, and challenge—and how leaders can grow and improve these characteristics to create efficiency, improve communications and morale, and act as an inspiration to their team. 1:00 – Integrity is vital to being a sought-after leader 1:11 – If people aren’t seeking out your insights, you might not be as effective as you think you are

2:32 – Lapses in integrity are often unintentional

5:17 – People see you for who you really are, not who you think you are

6:31 – Who you are is how you make people feel

10:36 – Find someone who is willing to tell you the truth

11:57 – If you want to fail as a leader, show people that you don’t care about them

12:18 – To be effective, invest in your relationships with people

18:17 – You never know what trials other people are going through

19:40 – Even if you do care, your empathy might not always show up through your behavior

23:00 – The final characteristic of great leaders is “challenge”

24:00 – Leaders who act tired, defeated, or like they’re not fully on board aren’t inspiring

24:39 – If employees don’t feel engaged or challenged, they will not step up in their role


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