Tim Duncan recently announced his retirement from the San Antonio Spurs after a remarkable career as a superstar forward in the NBA.  It was reported, regarding the timing of his announcement, that “When it’s not fun anymore, I’m done.”  This reminded me of a saying my father taught me growing up, and he still says it to this day, “Are we having fun yet?” In the midst of good times, living life, and making memories, he always seems to work this phrase into the conversation – and it fits.

What do you believe about having fun – at work? Not the birthday party kind “fun” with cake and ice-cream, but rewarding, fulfilling, enjoyment type fun associated with your career.  For example, what would it take:

  • to have your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shifts view themselves as one team and not opponents?
  • to make your current role the most rewarding career experience you have ever had?
  • for your team to be fully staffed, qualified, and engaged?
  • for you to laugh out loud at work, and no one look at you funny?
  • to make this quarter the most lucrative and profitable quarter yet?
  • for you to be excited about working for your company?
  • to have plant-wide meetings where the blue and white collars understood each other?
  • to make your next meeting worth the hour (or more) it costs you?

When you are experiencing one or more of these, you are not done – because you are still having fun!